Wednesday, October 2, 2013

good friends, good weekend

This past weekend C and I went up to Chicago to celebrate my birthday. For anyone who knows either of us, this is likely surprising to you. I hate Chicago (give me NYC any day of the week), and C hates cities. However, there were a couple of places that I wanted to go that are only in Chicago, and we both have friends who live up there.

It was true to The Year of Austerity in that we didn't spend a whole lot of money to have fun. We went to brunch with my friend Julie and her boyfriend, which was super fun! Then we went to a fancy knitting shop [side note: I'd never actually been to a yarn store. It seemed like an outing fraught with danger.] and walked around awhile. Then we went to Flor (with a detour at a baby store) and to The Spice House. The only thing we actually bought was brunch and 2 jars of spices at The Spice House.

We had dinner reservations, but after all the galavanting, we were tired. So we went to C's friends' house early. They were having people over for a cookout anyway, so we just joined in. It was good food and a good time. In the morning, it was just us 4 grownups and the 2 kids. So much fun.

Because why wouldn't you sit inside the sink?

"Safety first, then teamwork. Don't be gross."

Sunglasses and Bail Money

Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!!!

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