Start (08.17.13): 199 lbs.
Week 1 (08.24.13): 196.5 lbs.
Week 2 (09.02.13): 198 lbs.
Week 3 (09.09.13): 198.5 lbs.
Week 4 (09.16.13): 195.5 lbs.
Week 5 (09.23.13): 195.5 lbs.
Week 6 (09.30.13): 196.5 lbs.
Week 7 (10.07.13): 193.5 lbs.
Week 8 (10.14.13): 192 lbs.
Week 9 (10.21.13): 192.5 lbs.
Week 10 (10.28.13): 193 lbs.
Week 11 (11.04.13): no weigh-in (sick)
Week 12 (11.11.13): 192 lbs.
I'm actually not displeased about this, considering I was completely sedentary this past week thanks to the chest cold that wouldn't quit. I also ate way too many calories since I was at home by myself and feeling crappy. Back in the saddle though starting this past Saturday. Tracking my calories appropriately and getting in those workouts. Yesterday I did 2.5 miles on the treadmill-- walk 0.25 miles/ run 0.5 miles intervals. I was super proud of myself! Just gotta keep with it this week.
Keep up the good work!